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What Is Elder Care Law (and Do You Need It)?

Apr 12, 2024

As we approach our golden years, we must ensure our legal and financial interests have the best protection possible. With elder care law, you can safeguard your assets and effectively plan for the future while gaining peace of mind as you age. 

Let’s look at what services are included in elder law planning, when you might need them, and what to look for in an elder care law attorney. 

Understanding Elder Care Law

Elder care law helps seniors and their loved ones plan for long-term care, estate planning, and other similar matters. It’s the process of developing a comprehensive plan to make sure a person’s legal and financial interests have the proper protection as they age.

Elder care law provides peace of mind by helping individuals consider their needs and how best to protect them. An attorney helps clients arrange the necessary legal documents to ensure their wishes will be followed legally, safely, and accurately. 

Do You Need Elder Care Law Services?

While elder care law protects seniors, individuals can begin thinking about planning in their late 40s or early 50s so they’re prepared as they age. Elder care services include the following:

• Estate planning

• Asset protection

• Long-term care planning

• Retirement planning

• Guardianship or conservatorship

Some life events can trigger the need for elder care law, such as the death of a spouse, a medical diagnosis, or the birth of a grandchild. Life matters, like end-of-life planning, asset protection from long-term care costs, or preparing for disability or incapacitation, can also warrant a need for elder care law services. 

How to Hire an Elder Care Law Attorney

If you decide you’re ready to begin planning for elder care, you can start by hiring an attorney. An experienced legal professional can ensure that your elder care law services are done correctly and follow your wishes. You can begin by researching local elder care attorneys and narrow your search by reading reviews and interviewing potential attorneys. 

You’ll want to ensure the elder care attorney you select is knowledgeable about the laws in their state and willing to address your questions or concerns. Once you’ve made a list of potential attorneys, schedule consultations with them. Many offices offer free initial consultations so you can discuss your situation, get answers to your questions, and assess whether you feel comfortable moving forward with their services. 

Elder Law Services With Auld Brothers Law

At Auld Brothers Law, estate planning is one of our primary services. Our highly qualified staff can assess any important legal requirements for all documents, contracts, or agreements related to elder care law. Our experienced and reputable attorneys are licensed for legal work in the state of Pennsylvania and can help you plan for the future, even during unexpected events. 

Our goal is to make sure you fully understand your circumstances and options to make the best decision for your future. Contact Auld Brothers Law and we can provide a free consultation and answer questions about your current situation and future needs.